Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Out of the Mothballs and Into the Groove

A whole 2.5 years later, I'm looking back through my measly few posts on this blog and thinking "hey...I should post some more entries"...

So, here I am. :)

Within the past couple of years, I've had significant life shifts. Quit a job that was terrible for my overall well-being, started a new job that continues to blossom into a fulfilling career, bought a house, strengthened some relationships, let go of others, and rolled with some that became redesigned (Interpersonal Interaction 2.0, if you will).

I worked on my relationship with myself.

I have let go of some old habits and forged healthier ones.

I've learned a lot about my goals, my boundaries, and both who I am and who I want to be.

I have, sometimes in a more literal sense and at times more figuratively, pulled stuff out of the mothballs and reexamined some stored interests, allowing them to be re-imagined in some really fun ways.

Writing, painting, drawing, dancing...arting.

That's a word, right? It is now.

I ran my first Spartan race and am training for another one. I went to my first burn and fell in love with the community and the freedom and artistry it nurtures.

I returned to yoga, and this time, it's a lasting relationship rather than a passing and flirtatious fancy.

Throughout all these experiences, a few ideas have come into more acute focus:

  • The most dreaded exercise move, the hardest conversations, the most difficult concepts to grasp, and the most gut-wrenching realizations almost always lead to the most useful and rewarding growth. If it isn't uncomfortable, or maybe even a bit painful, it isn't going to lead to big change. Change isn't comfortable.
  • Set an intention without being tied to expectations. I'm working on this every moment of every day, and I know I'll continue to hone this for the rest of my life.
  • Find your edge. Your REAL edge. Say hello to it; become acquainted with it. Invite it over for tea. Respect it, learn from it, honor it, and recognize it will be different each day. Look at the other side of it with courage and curiosity. Work right up to it. Play along side it. When it's time to explore the next frontier, you'll know.
  • Listen to yourself. Trust your strength. Trust your voice. Breathe.
  • Try discussing boundaries openly and with full honesty rather than setting rules. Discuss them again. Talk about them each time they adjust or gain nuance. Observe how it colors your relationships and interactions with people differently (or how it doesn't, in some cases).
  • Breathe some more.
These are only a few big themes and thoughts that have wiggled their way to the front of my mind, especially more recently as I look back over the last few years. They are also just my opinion based on my experiences.

What are some paradigm shifts, focus shifts, or mantras helping you as of late?

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