Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stubbornness & Spring Cleaning

For good or ill, I am stubborn.  People who know me personally will find this line to be shocking, I'm sure.  (Can you feel the sarcasm just oozing out of that one?)

I have come to realize that many of the habits I have are a daily expression of this stubbornness.  I suspect the case is similar for others.  Many of us are unwilling to change those routines that bring us comfort or enjoyment or, in some cases, even stress.  Sometimes, we are reluctant to get rid of a stressor because we are is the way we have always done it, it has always been a part of us, and it will continue to reside in our lives until our "stubborn switch" flips.  At that point, we go from gripping onto our habit to dropkicking it out the front door and hurling all its worldly possessions right beside it on the lawn.

Now, with the return of spring and the fresh beginnings it promises, I feel the pull of goals and opportunities and the need to toss out anything that doesn’t help me roll up my sleeves, dust out the cobwebs, and make way for the new, the productive, the joyous, and the fulfilling.

Spring is when my switch flips. It’s a magical time of rebirth and renewal and a readiness to challenge myself...a feeling that is so strong to so many of us that it almost physically pulls us toward change.

Some of us use the good old idea of spring cleaning as a metaphor for this shift in ourselves. We go beyond just stashing our winter clothes and cleaning bookshelves that haven’t seen a dustrag in months. So look into yourself and ask: What is my self “spring cleaning” task? How am I going to throw open the windows, breathe in the crisp possibilities, and bask in the light?

My cleaning to-do list started before spring, like many do. I created my New Year’s list. I decided what I should accomplish this year. I guess, in a way, I feel like January through March is my pre-game warm-up. I start to add small steps toward my goals or ideas, and then I really build up the momentum moving into spring. By the time we have the first tastes of picnic weather, I am primed and ready for a fresh start.

This year, I made a commitment to return to cleaner eating and more activity. I started by cooking more often at home and forcing myself to take advantage of still living an easy walking distance from work, even though hiking to work in the snow doesn’t exactly have much appeal (especially if you have done so several days in a row and are pretty much THE only person that actually made it into the office that day!).

The great thing that I have learned about myself in these steps is that once I begin working on establishing good habits during the most sluggish time of year, and they start to take hold, I know that adding the optimism of spring can replenish my resolve and eliminate even more obstacles. I can continue to rid my life of the things holding me back or tarnishing my health...all aspects of my health, including body, mind, and spirit...and pave the way for a lasting shift. I can use “stubborn” to my advantage. I can refuse to give up joy and excitement in favor of lazy or easy or “normal.” Most importantly, in the light of spring, with every corner dusted and the windows cleaned, I can recognize what replenishes me. I have the opportunity to appreciate the people that support me, the food that nourishes me, the activities that bring me vitality, and the experiences that make my heart sing.

Are you ready to let spring in? Maybe it’s time to flip your “stubborn switch” and send some stressors packing. Maybe it’s time to let the fresh air and sunshine refresh you so that you can take some goals and ideas to the next stage. Embrace the opportunity to actively seek bliss!