Wednesday, December 29, 2010


“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” -- John Pierpont Morgan

Change has been in the air lately.  It has been around me at work, around me in my home life, in my yearning to look toward the future...even in our world's often contentious view of the direction each individual should choose in order to redetermine their destinies.  Heavy-handed musings?  Probably.  But these are the thoughts that enter my mind in the quiet, boring moments of the day.  The urge and influence of forward momentum reminds me that I'm alive for a reason.

So..."Tenacious Vitality"...what is that even supposed to mean, anyway?

te·na·cious –adjective

1. holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often fol. by of ): a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.
2. highly retentive: a tenacious memory.
3. pertinacious, persistent, stubborn, or obstinate.
4. adhesive or sticky; viscous or glutinous.
5. holding together; cohesive; not easily pulled asunder; tough.

vi·tal·i·ty –noun, plural -ties.

1. exuberant physical strength or mental vigor: a person of great vitality.
2. capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence: the vitality of an institution.
3. power to live or grow: the vitality of a language.
4. vital force or principle.
[Definitions from]
When the phrase tenacious vitality popped into my head, it simply meant grabbing life by the balls and refusing to let go.  Taking responsibilty to those actions and qualities in my life that are essential to my existence.  Searching to anchor to things and people and opportunities in life that make my heart sing.  It is a discontenment with the idea of simply existing when the alternative is the opportunity to LIVE.  At it's core, it is the utter refusal to relinquish that which gives me joy, strength, and purpose.
Here's to moving forward and welcoming new beginnings.  Here's to exercising the freedom to really live.  Please join me on my adventure.